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Muslim Consultative Network's Annual Gala

Turkuaz Restaurant, 2637 Broadway, New York, NY 10025

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Event Description

Keynote: Maria M. Ebrahimji, Co-Editor of I Speak for Myself: American Women on Being Muslim

Special Performance by Dean Obeidallah, award winning comedian and co-founder of the New York Arab American Comedy Festival and Asie Mohtarez, an Aranian-American Comedian living and performing in NYC.

Books will be available for purchase at the event!

Awards to be presented to:

Nadia Roumani, (American Muslim Civic Leadership Institute); Muslim Foundation of America; Congregation of B’nai Jeshurun and Church of St. Paul and St. Andrews

The proceeds will help support MCN’s Muslim Youth leadership program, (*MY NYC) and interfaith work.






In response to civil rights challenges facing Muslim New Yorkers, MCN will run the Muslim Youth NYC Leadership Project (MY NYC) at al Noor School, Brooklyn, throughout the academic year of 2011. MY NYC will train and mentor male and female high school students  in youth leadership.  Students will learn community organizing skills to catalyze and support grassroots social justice advocacy in their communities. Training will emphasize a social justice framework that encourages participants to work collaberatively with diverse communities.Each student will be paired with a mentor from within the community of outstanding leaders in their area of interest  to consult with and receive leadership support.  MY NYC will culminate with the students, identifying an issue affecting their community,  and developing an action plan or campaign to catalyze community activism in response.















Map of Event Location
June 12th, 2011  5:30 pmJune 13th, 2011  5:30 pm